We all want good customer service. Whether we are calling the local Farm Service Agency, buying chemicals from our cooperative’s agronomy center or ordering parts from our nearby machinery dealers
The National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program launched its latest Animal Care Program standards on July 1, continuing to provide science-based guidelines for the industry and...
It seems elementary, but it’s an important fact to remember when we’re aiming to produce high-quality milk and maintain udder health: The way pathogens infect the udder is through the teat...
A serious injury to or death of a farm’s owner sets off a chain of events that can be devastating if the business and family aren’t prepared. In too many cases, it can lead to the farm exiting...
The National Dairy FARM Program has evolved over the years to become a rigorous on-farm quality assurance program and trusted industry risk mitigation tool that gives the supply chain the confidence it...
It’s hard to overstate Mexico’s importance to America’s dairy farmers. When I talk to dairy farmers, I always remind them that Mexico is our industry’s most important trading partner,...
While we love working with dairy cows, we can’t forget that the role of dairy farmers and those that support them is to provide nutritious milk and dairy products to the population. Expanding the...
After the COVID-19 pandemic prompted an 18-month delay in routine animal care evaluations under FARM Version 4.0, implementation has been under way for a year
For Steele, a professor at the University of Guelph, calf health all starts with colostrum. He reminded the audience about the importance of cleanliness for both the colostrum and the equipment used to...
What do you see when you envision the future of calf care on dairy farms?For dairy researcher Michael Steele, he believes that data and precision management will shape the way we raise calves
The nation’s signature animal care and milk quality program, which demonstrates to customers and consumers alike that dairy farmers are upholding the highest standards